QMT Code of Conduct

Core Principles

We are committed to promoting a working environment free from any form of discrimination, victimisation, harassment and bullying. This Code of Conduct sets out both the behaviour that we expect from our members, and behaviour that is not acceptable and could lead to action.

All members* should be respectful of the theatre’s premises and property. Please help to keep the theatre’s appearance clean and tidy.
Members are expected to:

  • be polite, courteous and respectful towards one another and to audience members and visitors to the theatre;
  • to honour all commitments they have made to the QMT.

(* ’Members’ refers to any member of the society or groups affiliated with the Queen Mother Theatre, including the Bancroft Players, Big Spirit, The Bancroft Juniors, and any other group that is founded by the Queen Mother Theatre/Bancroft Players).

We also expect any visiting theatre companies/groups/performers to comply with this code whilst at the Queen Mother Theatre.


We aim to ensure that all members of the QMT receive equal treatment irrespective of: Gender, race, colour, disability, sexuality, age, marital status, occupation or political opinion. All our casting decisions will be made without discrimination (other than where there is a genuine requirement to do so for artistic reasons).

Discrimination may also occur as a result of victimisation, harassment or bullying.


Harassment generally consists of unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of:

  • violating a person’s dignity; and/or
  • creating an intimidating, hostile, unsafe, degrading, or offensive environment. It is irrelevant whether the alleged harassment is intentional or not. The following are examples of harassment – (this list is intended as a guide and is not exhaustive):
  • physical conduct – unwanted touching, patting, pinching, assault, or physical threats;
  • verbal conduct – unwelcome advances, critical nicknames, innuendo, insults or abusive language;
  • non-verbal conduct – invasive or abusive gestures, objects, or written material (other than in connection with a production for artistic purposes);
  • bullying – the exclusion of individuals, offensive, intimidating, insulting, humiliating or demeaning behaviour which attempts to undermine an individual.
  • any messages/posts sent to members must never contain any offensive, abusive or inappropriate language and care must be taken to avoid over-familiarity or language that could be misinterpreted or misconstrued this includes this includes using text/email and any other form of messaging systems such as social networking websites (WhatsApp groups/Instagram/Facebook/etc)

No form of harassment is acceptable.

If you think you have been the target of any of the issues highlighted above, please contact the theatre’s Welfare and Safeguarding Lead**.


Any space used for rehearsals or meetings should be left in a clean an uncluttered state for other members to use.

Be respectful to other members rehearsing or performing in other areas of the theatre. Key-holders must ensure that the whole theatre is secure when they leave. Whilst all members are responsible for their personal property within the theatre, members are also expected to respect other member’s personal property, and should not take or use items without the owner’s permission.

Equality Act

If you consider that you are disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010 and that this prohibits or limits your involvement at the theatre, please speak to our Theatre Manager who will be happy to discuss with you whether there are any reasonable adjustments that could be made to our premises/facilities that would enable you to participate as you would like.

**The current Welfare and Safeguarding Lead is Claudia O’Connell.