Visiting Us Header Image Yellow Camper van

Visiting The Queen Mother Theatre

The Queen Mother Theatre is located in Hitchin Hertfordshire (UK), within walking distance of the town centre and train station.

We are conveniently located on the edge of Woodside Car Park, off Walsworth Road and our address is :

Walsworth Rd,
SG4 9SP.

Booking tickets

You can now only buy tickets online, in advance. View and book upcoming performances at The Queen Mother Theatre from our What’s On page.

Get here early

We recommend arriving 30 minutes before the performance starts so you can soak up the pre-show atmosphere and find your seat in good time. The theatre is open one hour before performances.

Food and drink

Eating and drinking during the performance

We serve a selection of drinks and snacks before the performance and during the interval from our bar in the foyer. You can take drinks into the auditorium if they are in plastic cups or bottles, but no glass please.

Food And Drink Image

Filming and photography

We don’t allow recording on any cameras, mobile phones or other recording equipment in the auditorium.

We Still Need Your Donations Hands

We still need your donations

After the most challenging couple of years in our charity’s history, we still need our supporters to help us recover.

As a charity, financial support is vital to keep our theatre open, so please consider making a donation, but if that’s not an option for you and you’d still like to support us, we’d love to hear from you as we are always looking for volunteers.