Sleeping Beauty
Friday 6th December to Saturday 14th December 2024
The Queen Mother Theatre
The Bancroft Players
We are pleased to be returning for our third panto at The QMT. Following on from the sell-out successes of Cinderella in 2019 and Dick Whittington in 2022, we are pleased to be producing Sleeping Beauty.
If anyone who has been in our previous pantomimes then you will already know that although we say this “isn’t Shakespeare” and when you come to dancing “it’s only Walking”, it is still important that we put on the very best pantomime which can be enjoyed both by those in the audience and the cast and crew. There will be hard work required, lines, songs and dances to be learnt and remembered, but rehearsals are meant to be fun as well and they will be!
PLEASE NOTE: Auditioning and being cast for the family version will also mean you are included in the “Adult Version” which is performed on 12th December.
You do not need to be a member of The Bancroft Players to audition, but if cast there is a membership subscription that will need to be paid before the first rehearsal.
Richard and Dee Lovelock
Audition Dates
Auditions Closed
- Tuesday 3rd Sep 2024 at 7:45pm
- Friday 6th Sep 2024 at 7:45pm
Rehearsals will be on Mondays and Wednesdays with additional Sundays closer to the show. Please prepare to be available every evening of the week up to the opening night of 6th December.On Thursday 12th December we will be putting on an 'Adult' version so you will also be needed on Wednesday 11th December for a special additional rehearsal.
Production Credits
Written by: Richard & Dee Lovelock
Choreographer: Sarah Albert
Musical Director: Sarah Farrah
Performance Dates
- Saturday 14th December 2024 at 2:30pm
- Saturday 14th December 2024 at 6:30pm
Cast List
- He is a good merry man – well liked by his people, but probably too soft and maybe a little bit dim. A hen pecked husband, who realises it - and tries to keep up appearances as the one in charge
- An elegant Queen and a proud Mum who certainly wears the trousers in the palace, she tends to nag her husband and thinks he is too soft on the people he rules over. She is quite smart and with it.
- A young good looking girl, whose playing age needs to be 18 or 21 and the script could be amended to fit. Everything about her is good and pretty, she is a romantic princess, but also has a sense of fun.
- The fall guy, if something goes wrong it will happen to him, he’s had a tough life but never complains and is easy meat for anyone who wants to take a pop at him. He loves the Princess and wants to be friends with everyone. He keeps forgetting things – but is a great optimist.
- A stuffy court official who thinks he is a ladies man – but isn’t, tries continuously to maintain his dignity throughout.
- The hero of the hour. He is romantic, but is brave and fearless when meeting the wicked fairy.
- Dame who is the Princess’s nursemaid, full of life and looking for a man.
- The wicked evil fairy needs to be horrible, she hates everyone and is full of spite and venom and as nasty as possible whenever possible.
- The good fairies, the epitome of kindness who always believes that goodness will overcome. They stand up to the witch confident that their powers will win through. FAIRY LIQUID is the head fairy, backed up by FAIRY NONBIO
- The good fairies, the epitome of kindness who always believes that goodness will overcome. They stand up to the witch confident that their powers will win through. FAIRY LIQUID is the head fairy, backed up by FAIRY NONBIO
- Could be played by a man. This Fairy is a little obstructive / opinionated and certainly not a ‘standard’ good fairy.
- Two bouncers who mix with the audience before the show and get dragged into joining the show, which at first they don’t want to do and are very out of place, however as the story unfolds they get to like the stage more and more.
- Two bouncers who mix with the audience before the show and get dragged into joining the show, which at first they don’t want to do and are very out of place, however as the story unfolds they get to like the stage more and more.
- Maids, Courtiers, Guards, Trees and evil beings.